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If you or a loved one can’t breathe normally, you know how hard it is to live a normal life — you miss out on so many things others take for granted, constantly afraid that you’ll soon be gasping for breath… or worse, end up in the hospital.
Even the most mundane tasks — climbing the front steps, walking to the bus stop, tending to your garden — can make you feel like you’re drowning.
Is that any way to live?
Of course not. But fortunately for those millions who suffer daily, a recent breakthrough is changing all that.
Doctors have now confirmed the power of respiratory muscle training (RMT) to help people with lung conditions breathe freely again — from asthma to COPD and even ex-smokers — and finally enjoy all the benefits that deep, healthy breathing provides.
RMT is like weight training for your respiratory system, giving you stronger breathing muscles2 — By strengthening your breathing muscles, this natural technique helps you enjoy deeper, fuller, and clearer breathing. Your airways become more effective at bringing in oxygen and keeping your airways open and free of gunk, like phlegm and other respiratory blockages.
The only problem? RMT has been difficult to self-administer… until now.
The Breather is an award-winning RMT device that helps you “retrain” your lungs to breathe better. It can easily be used from the comfort of your own home.
They’ve become a life-saver for people with respiratory issues… but also including smokers and even athletes. The US Special forces trainees actually use the Breather to give them an edge when training.
In fact, it’s become so popular they’ve already sold more than 1.5 million of them — if you haven’t already heard about it, you will soon.
The Breather is a handheld breathing training (RMT) system invented by Peggy Nicholson, a cardiopulmonary therapist who spent more than 40 years developing and testing it.
Think of Breather as a home gym for your lungs and airways. By applying different levels of resistance, you can retrain your respiratory system to take deeper, fuller breaths.
“As a new therapist back in the ‘70s, I wanted to give my patients more than basic exercise routines,” she says of her invention. “So I started researching for a better solution.”
The result is the first-ever breathing training system for people with lung conditions — from asthmatics to smokers and anyone who wants to improve their breathing.
Peggy worked alongside top doctors and pulmonologists to create The Breather.
She had a simple goal: Help people breathe better. If you’re one of the millions of people who’ve felt the terrifying feeling of wheezing and gasping for breath — yet simply can’t fill your lungs — your respiratory system may be in dire need of a new training program.
And that’s exactly what Peggy’s invention provides.
Since its release, The Breather has already helped millions enjoy their lives again.
Just imagine walking to get your mail, climbing the bleachers at the hometown baseball game, and browsing through grocery aisles… without the constant, nagging fear of suffocation. That’s what Peggy wants – and now she can finally offer it to you with The Breather.
Over time, regular use of the RMT technique has been shown to increase the strength of your body’s breathing muscles.3
Think of it as a workout for your respiratory system, helping it become stronger and more effective. RMT is the workout, and The Breather is the exercise equipment you need to complete it.
The Breather’s inhale and exhale dials adjust independently of one another, allowing you to set inhale and exhale resistance levels separately using the dials — so you can train your lungs in a way that is specific to your lung strength.
Simply breathe in and out using your diaphragmatic (belly) breathing 5-10 minutes a day, and you’ll be able to take deeper fuller breaths.
Studies show that RMT provides so many excellent benefits, including:
While it’s true that devices like inhalers and nebulizers have been around for ages, as many users know, they’re not perfect.
First off, inhalers are filled with steroids — while nebulizers are filled with chemicals. Over time, your body becomes reliant on them, so they only work while you’re using them.
They don’t actually improve your body’s ability to combat your breathing issues on its own. That’s what makes The Breather such a fascinating breakthrough — it’s designed to help you improve your own breathing, rather than relying on drugs to (temporarily) do the job for you.
Many people use their Breather along with their inhaler or nebulizer. Some even end up switching to The Breather alone after sufficient training!
If you ever felt the all-too-scary feeling of choking on phlegm, gasping for air or struggling to take deep breaths, it’s time to retrain your respiratory system. The Breather might be the answer if you suffer from:
The Breather is the #1 respiratory muscle training (RMT) device. It has helped people of all ages breathe better in just 2 weeks. By strengthening your entire respiratory system, you can decrease your dependence on pills and inhalers while enjoying deeper, fuller breaths.
No one should have to live with the constant fear of wheezing or gasping for breaths.
Big news! After receiving an overwhelming response for this article, The Breather is offering a one-time discount to readers like you.
You can visit their website here to receive the Buy 2, Get 1 FREE discount. From our research, these devices are in high demand lately and rarely go on sale.
You’re just two weeks away from taking deeper, fuller breaths. Get Breather now to help transform your breathing, sleep, exercise, and daily life. Click the link below to snag your discount!
Best on the market ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“I tested positive for COVID 19 the week before Thanksgiving. This is a very bad illness. Well, one of the symptoms shortness of breath. You can’t walk 10 feet without losing your breath. I found this on Amazon and started using it 2 days ago. I’m not totally breathing normally but I can tell a difference. This is from John Hopkins Hospital. They said you should feel a definite improvement in 6 days. I will continue using this because I don’t know what else to do for my shortness of breath. So far so good!”
Great device ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“I bought this for my 82 yr old dad who suffers from COPD/emphysema, apnea, and asthma. He also has aphasia from stroke so learning how to follow instruction, with something that is easy, is a must. This device fits the bill. He got sick early in the year and was on a rotation of nebulizer, O2 therapy and lung strengthening/ diaphragmatic breathing with this device. His O2 levels were low and this helped tremendously get him to take those deep inhalations easily and strengthen the lungs, which in turn led to a build up of higher O2 concentrations on a regular basis. It’s a great device! I bought one for me as I was diagnosed with apnea and am also a singer and with regular use, I see it has made a world of difference. During our bout with the virus, I used it to help strengthen as well, along with our nebulizer treatments. I can’t say enough about this device. During these times I personally feel this is a great device that especially those with lung issues need to make part of their care-repertoire and one doctors need to recommend!”
Alma Soto
Five Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Helps my with my breathing after my stroke.”
This website is an advertising marketplace for companies that provide consumers with products and services. This website is an advertisement and not a news publication. All persons depicted on this site are models. The owner does not recommend or endorse any specific company. Terms, conditions, and exclusions may apply. Representations regarding the efficacy and safety of The Breather have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease. This information does not constitute medical advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult with your doctor before modifying your regular medical regime.
References: Reduces shortness of breath by increasing the strength of your breathing muscles1 RMT gives you stronger respiratory muscles2 Gradually increasing your resistance with RMT can help you enjoy more restful sleep3 RMT helps strengthen your entire respiratory system4